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Size: 5 kg

Our first Non-clumping cat litter, Billion is simply a brilliant product for dependable and durable cat hygiene. Like its name, It is the billionaire of the cat litter world. Unlike Klumpy, Billion is a Non-Clumping Cat Litter. Its granules contain billions of fast-acting micropores, quickly absorbing liquid like a sponge and trapping unpleasant odours. Billion instantly locks in all liquid and stops bacterial growth more effectively compared to other non-clumping litters. It is designed to meet the requirements of those cats and their parents who prefer non-clumping litters. It lasts longer without the need to replace the contents of the entire tray. Just throw away the solid waste and the liquid vanishes like it was never there.

Billion's features - Non Klumping

🪨 Material

Natural minerals.

🌈 Colour

Pleasant off-white.

💦 Absorption

Fast Absorbtion, 1.5 times its own weight.

✨ Particle size

Value (0.6 to 5 mm)

💪 Clump Strength:


👃 Odour control

Always Fresh. Excellent due to added antibacterial proprietary formula.

🥡 Consumption

Long lasting.

💨 Dust Free


⏳ Lasting

Very long

How do we rate it?

Clumping: 0/5 ⚝⚝⚝⚝⚝

Odour Control: 5/5 ★★★★★

Dust free: 5/5 ★★★★★

Long lasting: 5/5 ★★★★★

How to use?

  • Fill your cat litter tray with Billion Cat Litter to a depth of approximately 6cm.
  • Check the litter tray regularly and scoop out any solid waste.
  • Top up the tray with fresh litter.
  • Completely empty the litter tray at least every 10 days or when needed, wash the tray with a mild detergent and re-fill once the tray has completely dried.