Yes, we offers a complete range of affordable care, conveniently located inside your neighborhood. Appointments are recommended. Use our store locator tool to find and book an appointment at a full-service hospital near you.
Do Pet Collectives Hospital give vaccinations?
Yes, a variety of vaccinations are available at our Veterinary Hospital including: Rabies, Distemper/Parvo, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Canine Influenza, Feline Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, and Feline Leukemia.
Do Pet Collectives Hospital accept walk ins?
Vaccinations are available by walk-in as well as by appointments at our Hospital.
Do Pet Collectives Hospital give Rabies shots?
Yes, Rabies vaccinations are available at our Veterinary Hospital.
Do Pet Collectives hospitals do checkups?
Yes, we offer Nose-to-Tail Wellness Exams at our pet hospitals. Our veterinarians will observe your pet's general health, perform routine wellness screenings and administer vaccinations as needed.
Do Pet Collectives hospital do microchipping?
Yes, our pet hospital team is equipped to implant the microchips into your dog or cat and also scan for them.
Do Pet Collectives hospital spay/neuter cats and dogs?
Yes, we offer spay and neutering for cats and dogs at our pet hospital.
Do you accept Credit/Debit Card?
Yes, we accept all types of Credit/Debit Cards as well as Direct Bank Transfer.